162 articles GeoCue Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 4 / 17

GeoCue Group’s repository of articles for the GeoCue workflow management product, covering tools, tips, and workflows.

Array dimensions exceeded supported range

Attempting to populate LAS Working Segments in GeoCue results in an exception message in the system message column of the checklist step details pane for the Populate step stating, “System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.    at NIIRS10.LASLib.LASStructArray6..ctor(Int32 size, Int32 numExtraBytes, Byte formatOnDisk) in N:\GeoCue 2017.1\iDEMS\iDEMSShared\LASLib\LASstructures.cs:line 2844    at NIIRS10.LASLib.LAS.AllocatePointDataRecordArray(LAS las, Int32 size) in N:\GeoCue…


Raster Bit Depth

GeoCue, Terrasolid and LP360 can all output Raster files with different Bit Depths. The bit depth (sometimes called pixel depth) of a cell determines the range of values that a particular raster file can store, which is based on the formula 2n (where n is the bit depth). For example, an 8-bit raster can have…


Can’t find ImageStation ziphoto.dll

User encounters an error message, “Unable to locate ziphoto.dll in folder”, when attempting to run the stereo edit step in GeoCue using ImageStation. This error message is caused by the install location of ImageStation products being in a different location than in previous versions. Specifically, the ziphoto.dll file. This is usually caused by updating the…


Managing versioning in GeoCue

Summary: When processing in GeoCue, it is a good idea to setup automatic versioning and checkpoints. This allows the user to roll back to a previous state of processing if a mistake occurs or a change needs to be made. This document will review how to access and change settings related to this: Managing versioning…


How to Enable/Disable Dispatch Logs

If asked by support, the following two code snippets when copied and pasted into a text document and saved as “EnableDispatchLogs.reg” and “DisableDispatchLogs.reg” respectively will enable/disable dispatch logs on the GeoCue Server machine when imported to the registry and the GeoCue Server service restarted. Import the EnableDispatchLogs.reg file using admin rights After importing, restart the…


Attaching LAS Files to LAS Working Segments

If you already have LAS files and an index for those LAS files you can skip some of the processing steps typically performed when starting from LAS Source Strips. Start by creating your Working Segment entities using a pre-existing compatible shapefile or CAD file. Next, attach the LAS files to the Working Segment entities following…


Error Generating TSTrajectory File with SOL

User encounters an “Error Generating TSTrajectory File with SOL” while trying to create TerraScan trajectories in GeoCue, “An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.” The sensor trajectory file is over 2GB in size causing an indexing issue. Reduce the file size to below 2GB by clipping unnecessary…


Insufficient Resources Available in Dispatch Manager

Distributed tasks don’t seem to take full advantage of the available Distributed Subtask Licenses (DSLs). When the task is running, the first pending subtask in Dispatch Manager under the “Pending Reason” column reads “Insufficient Resources Available”. Insufficient resources available means the available machine resources are less than the predicted usage of the command being run,…


Where can I see my Licenses in GeoCue?

How can I check my licenses and license usage in Geocue? GeoCue License Monitor on the GeoCue Server Machine shows dynamic license usage. License monitor has a table for in-use percentage over a period of time (set in settings), and a drop down menu to choose which license you’d like to visualize. It can be…
