Available LIDAR Datasets

LIDAR datasets freely available from multiple providers via the Internet make an excellent source for working with LIDAR data in LP360? In addition, with the new volumetric analysis tools and some additional analysis tools already found in LP360, these free source datasets can make for a convenient means of performing change detection in project areas.…


Point Cloud Tasks – The I/O Manager

As you read this, we are releasing LP360 2013.2, our second major release of LP360 for calendar year 2013 (yes, yes- I know it is 2014 already!). One of the main developments for this release has been extensive improvements to the Point Cloud Task (PCT) subsystem of LP360. The PCT system is a framework for…


Profile Window Extent Adjustment Tools

Have you ever wanted to adjust the depth of your profile extent and also the amount the profile steps as you scroll through your project? You can do both with the controls located in the profile window. To control the depth of your profile extent, click on the Profile Window Toolbar and select the Modify…


GeoCue: Configure Users in SQL

KBA-01027-V8N1K8 Purpose & Scope The User performing GeoCue updates, as well as the GeoCue Service User and the GeoCue Federator Service User, if applicable, need to be configured as users in SQL, either the Full or Express version. Procedure   1.       Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and login as SA (SQL Administrator) or another…
