We have more and more customers computing volumetrics using LP360 in combination with point cloud data sets derived from Dense Image Matching (DIM). Note that I will use DIM to mean both the process of generating a point cloud from a dense set of overlapping images as well as the product point cloud itself. Thus…
We have been doing a lot of experimenting with various airplane and camera configurations for small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS). We are very interested in the effect of camera quality on metric analysis. For example, does a better lens yield a more accurate surface model when extracting a dense image matching point cloud using an…
As I looked over previous issues of GeoCue Group News, I noticed that we announced in June that we would release LP360 2014.1 in late July! Well, obviously that did not happen. I made the decision in July to postpone the release while we added tools to measure LIDAR vertical accuracy and orthophoto horizontal accuracy…
The LP360 Rail Extraction tools for LIDAR data automatically extract a rail alignment (centerline) vector as well as classify “top of rail”. This feature is implemented as a semi-automated Point Cloud Task (PCT) and is available in the Advanced version of both LP360 for ArcGIS® and LP360 for Windows® (the standalone version of LP360). We recommend…
An important aspect of planning and executing a small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) mapping project is planning and collecting ground control and check points. We are a software and systems company, not a services company so we have limited tools (and knowledge, for that matter) for carrying out this part of a mission. Nevertheless, we…
We will be releasing the first major version of LP360 for calendar year 2014 in July. This will encompass the experimental (EXP) releases of 2014 as well as new features we have added since our last EXP release. We have done the usual “keeping up with the changes” sorts of accommodations such as full support…
Several of us in the company are avid model airplane enthusiasts, actively flying various types of models. We have been debating the merits of fixed wing “flying wings” versus gliders. Which of these is the better mapping platform? In fact, I covered this topic from a stability point of view in a recent “Random Points”…
As we outlined in a previous “LP360 – Under the Hood”, we have added volumetric analysis to LP360. This feature was first released with 2013.2 at the end of last year with an enhanced version in our recent Experimental (EXP) release. An important element of the analysis associated with volumes is the generation of cross-sections.…
As most of you are aware, the United States has one of the world’s most restrictive policies for the operation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Rather than partition UAS into various categories based on the potential hazards to the National Air Space (NAS) and to persons/property, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has decided that government…
As we stand up our new small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) software and services subsidiary, we are exploring a wide range of technologies. So far, we have more questions than we have answers. We thought we would simply list some of these to give you an idea of our focus. We would be extremely interested…