GeoCue Support » Archives for GeoCue Support » Page 29
Create a new Common Folder on the new hardware and ensure that it has read/write permissions for all GeoCue Users and is a shared drive (additional information is available in the GeoCue Installation Guide) On the GeoCue Server machine, uninstall the GeoCue Coordinate Systems – GeoCue Horizontal Coordinate System and GeoCue Vertical Coordinate System. Open…
Unable to edit the project point cloud data that has been loaded into LP360. Functions (such as classification) won’t work properly. The user receives the following error message: “Filters require editable points. Open the LAS files for read/write and try again.” Note: The editing ability is available at the Standard, Advanced, or True Veiw Evo…
When Trajectory files are added into GeoCue, the properties that are displayed show the the start and end time of the file in GPS Week Seconds. If the GeoCue project is in Adjusted GPS Standard Time, then the GPS week is also displayed within the property field. The times are not displayed in Adjusted GPS…
The user attempts to use the import DEM to LAS function in LP360 and receives the error message: “Failed to convert DEM Image file to LAS file: Error occurred converting DEM File: <filename>.<flt> to LAS File: <filename>.las” The error message is preventing the user from importing an extremely large DEM file and converting to LAS…
With LP360 for ArcGIS, after upgrading ArcGIS versions, LP360 will need to be re-registered within ArcGIS. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. The first option is to un-install LP360 and then re-install. Or, a user can run a registry program that will register the needed DLL’s within ArcGIS. Registry Program Located under “C:\Program…
LP360 Installation & Licensing FAQs are some of the frequently asked questions about installing and licensing the LP360 product. See also, Frequently Asked Questions about LP360, tools, usage, and workflows.
Profile Box/Profile Centerline are not visible in LP360 Map View. Only able to see where you are drawing the profile as you draw it. Once you’ve finished, it vanishes. The LP360 Viewer Integration toolbar has a button called “Draw the Profile Box in 2D View”. This needs to be enabled in order to see the…
This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. LP360 Drone, formerly TrueView Evo, doesn’t recognize Cycle Folder. This can happen when attempting to load directly from the UMS drive or from an archive folder. The Cycle dialog will not show flight…
Applies to TrueView vA firmware v2.0.4 through v4.0.0 Once a flight mission is complete and the aircraft returns to the home position the Wind Down process will initiate due to the proximity mode. Proximity mode allows the Wind Down process to take less time to write the image files to the external UMS stick once…
Around update 11, Bentley made it mandatory to login to the Bentley CONNECTION Client in order to obtain a valid license for the Bentley product. Doing so broke the ability for the dispatch service user to launch MicroStation. The fix is to login to the machine one time as the GeoCue Dispatch user, login to…