GeoCue Support has written 725 articles

Failed to access Windows Services Manager (24221)

Problem: When attempting to authorize a floating license in the LP360 License Administrator you receive a activation error, “Failed to access Windows Services Manager (24221)”. Probable Resolution: The user does not have the necessary administrative permissions to create a service in Windows as deemed by Microsoft. Ensure that the user logged in is an administrator…


WMS Layers in LP360

WMS (Web Map Service) is an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard which is widely supported: WMS layers can be added into LP360 for ArcGIS, LP360, Mission Planner, LIDAR Server and Reckon. LP360 for ArcGIS, LP360 and Mission Planner all display WMS data as a layer. These different programs provide users the ability to display…


ArcGIS crashes every time I load a LAS file

Problem: ArcGIS crashes every time I load an LAS file. Probable Resolutions: Please submit the ESRI Crash Dump report to [email protected] so that we may investigate further. Try loading the LAS file(s) a second time. If that doesn’t work then the QVR files may have become corrupt. Delete and regenerate them. Try loading a file…


Unable to open the las file (17657)

Symptom: When adding LAS files to LP360 a message appears in the message column of the Add Files dialog stating, “Unable to open the LAS file (17657)” Probable Resolution: Verify that the LAS file is not open in another program or by another process. Verify that you have read permissions, or read/write depending on the…


Failed to open the file for read/write. The file cannot be edited. (18309)

Problem: Receive an LP360 COM Exception attempting to open files for read/write. Caller’s Message: Failed to open the file for read/write. The file ‘D:\Client_Data\sample.las’ cannot be edited. (18309) Exception Information: HRESULT: 0x0 Unable to retrieve extended COM error information. Probable Resolution: Verify that the files are not open for read in another session or program.…


Authentication Failed: LP360 will run in Viewer mode. (22856)

Symptom: Receive an Authentication Failed message stating, “Unable to authenticate a license for LP360 for the following reason: There are no licenses available for the given level: {Classify, Extractor}” or Receive an Authentication Failed message stating, “There are no licenses available for the {basic, standard, or advanced} level. LP360 will run in Viewer mode. (22856)” “There…


New Contour Smoothing Algorithm

The new and improved contour smoothing algorithm removes noisy data which causes contour jaggedness by interpolating the Z elevation around contour levels, thereby smoothing the surface and creating much better contours. This display works for both the Map View and 3D view when the user has turned on this setting via the usual Smooth Contours…
