162 articles GeoCue Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 3 / 17

GeoCue Group’s repository of articles for the GeoCue workflow management product, covering tools, tips, and workflows.

Configuring Bentley Connection Client for Use with the GeoCue Command Dispatch System (CDS)

Around update 11, Bentley made it mandatory to login to the Bentley CONNECTION Client in order to obtain a valid license for the Bentley product. Doing so broke the ability for the dispatch service user to launch MicroStation. The fix is to login to the machine one time as the GeoCue Dispatch user, login to…


No more valid machines available for processing

The task or subtask messages column of the GeoCue Dispatch Manager states, “No more valid machines available for processing” or ” No other valid machines available for re-processing”. The task, such as Archiving, is configured, to dispatch to only the machine from which it was started. An error was encountered during archiving and no additional…


MicroStation shows zero activity

When executing a TerraScan macro in GeoCue the Working Segment in progress gets a write lock, while the neighboring working segments get read locked, if neighbors are required. There is no progress bar, but the locks will release and the Production State will update to reflect the step upon completion. The Dispatch Manager can provide…


User Does Not Have Permission to Write

On the “Machines” tab in GeoCue Dispatch Manager the error message, “The specified user for the remote GeoCue Client service login does not have permission to write to the specified remote cache folder.”, is showing for a machine.  Ensure the Dispatch User, as set on the machine in question, has permission to read/write to the…


Why are subtasks being Requeued?

Requeuing in the Command Dispatch System (CDS) will occur any time a subtask requires neighbors and suitable lock cannot be obtained. Multiple requeues often occur when there are a small number of entities and many resources available in the CDS. Neighbor overedge processing will cause surrounding tiles to become read locked while that tile is…


Specified Remote Client Cache Path Does Not Exist

On the “Machines” tab in GeoCue Dispatch Manager the error message, “The specified remote client cache path does not exist.” is showing for a machine.  The error message indicates that there in an issue with the remote cache folder setup in the GeoCue Client Configuration. Type “configure client” into Windows search and open the GeoCue…
