328 articles LP360 Geospatial Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 14 / 33

GeoCue’s repository of articles covering tools, tips, and workflows for processing point clouds in LP360 Geospatial.

Breaklines in LP360 – Part I

Prolog: I am writing a new whitepaper on model constraints in LP360 (any reference to LP360 where I do not add the term “for ArcGIS,” I am talking about the standalone version. This document is extracted and heavily revised from a series of articles that I wrote for the GeoCue Group Newsletter in 2013. The…


Reproject Raster in LP360

LP360 has a Point Cloud Task (PCT) that can reproject raster layers, create pyramids, and JPEG compress.  The PCT is named Reproject Raster.  When we reproject an existing orthophoto to a new coordinate system, or re-write to a different unit, the user can choose to output uncompressed, or JPEG compressed. If JPEG compression is selected, the user…


Errors in Surface Generation

Problem: There are some situations that can cause there to be a mismatch between surface elevations between tiles.  This can become apparent in the vicinity of waterbody breaklines where a tile covers the water but only overlaps with a single shoreline. In this scenario, the surface generation process cannot consider the influence of breaklines on…


Putting LIDAR data on a single layer

When data is originally added to LP360 the selected files will be grouped into layers, depending upon certain criteria so that only compatible LAS files will be on a single LAS layer. When adding new data to the layout, if all the data meets the compatible rules, then checking the option to “Append to Compatible Layers”…


Unexpected error in ILPBrkLineEnforcer:GetLayerName(). (17486)

Problem: While attempting to execute a conflate point cloud task the user receives an “Executing task(s) failed. (8690) Unexpected error in ILPBrkLineEnforcer:GetLayerName(). (17486)” COM Exception. Probable Resolution: The root cause of this error tends to be that one of the layers listed in the breakline enforcement is not valid. Either the file no longer exists…


LP360 Features Utility Tool

As many of you who are involved in LIDAR breakline collection know, we added some very nice feature edit tools to the Standard level of LP360 (Windows standalone version).  One of these tools, “Create Features from Selected Features” is a very handy utility tool.  Its basic function is to collect features you have selected with…


Creating a 2D Feature with Elevation Attributes

With the release of LP360 v2017.1 we began recommending that users create their breaklines using LP360 instead of the previous recommendation of using the LP360 Sketch tool in LP360 for ArcGIS. One common question that has come up is how does one create a flat 2D feature and put the summarize Z results in the…


Crash when reading in lots and lots of LAS Data

Problem: An LP360 crash can occur when attempting to read in a lot of files. This can occur when opening the ‘Add Files’ dialog and browsing to the files’ location to add them into the session. Due to the way that browsing control works, this can get overwhelmed with a large number of files, causing…


Breakline Buffer Classifications

Buffer classifications (or Ignored Ground in the USGS Lidar Base Specification) are those classes that are assigned to LAS points that are within a user defined-distance of breaklines. Points that are assigned to these classes are excluded from the surface when using breakline enforcement. Typical distances used are one quarter to one half the nominal…


LIDAR Server Having Problems Running in Edge Browser

Problem: Trying to load LIDAR Server (www.lidarserver.com) in Microsoft Edge browser and the load doesn’t complete. No errors, just no project list. Probable Resolution: Clear the cache in Edge and refresh the page. To clear cache data in Edge, click the ellipsis (…) located at the top right corner -> Settings -> Choose What to…
