38 articles Terrasolid Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 4 / 4

GeoCue Group’s repository of knowledge base articles and FAQs covering Terrasolid tools, tips and workflows.

Setting the Overlap classification flag

LAS v1.4 introduced the concept of the Overlap classification flag. Since this new flag did not previously exist in the classification code byte, the class offsets discussed here do not apply to the Overlap classification flag. A user would need to have both LP360 and TerraScan in order to properly identify and flag overlap points.…


LAS v1.4 Conversion

If you are involved in airborne LIDAR workflows in North America, you will immediately understand the value of supporting LAS Version 1.4, Point Data Record Format 6 for your end-to-end workflow as this will be the required deliverable format for the USGS 3D Elevation Program. Of course, this will drive all standard airborne LIDAR deliverables…


Generating Low Confidence Polygons

In the new ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data, low confidence areas within LIDAR data are defined to be where the bare earth model might not meet the overall data accuracy requirements. Generally speaking with LIDAR data this can occur where there is heavy vegetation that causes poor penetration of the pulses. If…


Generate Point Density Image for Spatial Distribution

The USGS LIDAR Base Specification refers to Spatial Distribution and Regularity. It describes an assessment that is done, in addition to general point density assessments, to determine the regularity with which the a LIDAR point data collection is executed. The density images that allow one to follow the USGS specification for making the assessment can be…


Coordinates, Coordinate Systems and LIDAR Data (Part 3)

In the previous articles we provided an introduction to coordinate systems, geoids, datums and projections. This background information was needed in order to delve into more details on transformations and changing projections in the various software packages to help you do more with LIDAR data. This article will provide the information into transformations and changing…


Coordinates, Coordinate Systems and LIDAR Data (Part 2)

In the previous article, we briefly mentioned coordinate systems while looking at how they played a role when defining the MicroStation design cube and setting up the Terrasolid software. A brief mention was fine for that setup, but if we wish to delve into more details on transformations and changing projections in the various software…


Coordinates, Coordinate Systems and LIDAR Data (Part 1)

Coordinates and the systems to which they reference can be either a very complex, or a very simple thing depending upon how you look at them. The fact that such possibly complex concepts can be simplified is a blessing and probably very welcomed by many. You’d be surprised by how many people we encounter working…
