GeoCue Support » Drone, Mobile and Handheld Mapping » TrueView Installation, Licensing and Updates » Page 14
The AirGon Sensor Package (ASP) software suite is part of the AirGon software workflow and is used to process Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) information from the AV-900 ASP hardware for Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) direct geopositioning (wow, that is truly a mouthful!!). Last year we introduced the Bring Your Own Drone (BYOD) Mapping Kit to…
Symptom: Activating an AUT for one or more floating licenses results in an error message “Failed to Start License Server Service (24223)”. Probable Resolution #1: Check the Window Application event log and see if there is an entry around the time of the failed License Server Service start which indicates a .NET Runtime error for the…
Problem: When attempting to authorize a floating license in the LP360 License Administrator you receive a activation error, “Failed to access Windows Services Manager (24221)”. Probable Resolution: The user does not have the necessary administrative permissions to create a service in Windows as deemed by Microsoft. Ensure that the user logged in is an administrator…
Symptom: Receive an Authentication Failed message stating, “Unable to authenticate a license for LP360 for the following reason: There are no licenses available for the given level: {Classify, Extractor}” or Receive an Authentication Failed message stating, “There are no licenses available for the {basic, standard, or advanced} level. LP360 will run in Viewer mode. (22856)” “There…
Problem: While installing LP360 the installer reports “LP360 64-bit Files in Use”. Probable Resolution #1: Verify that all instances of LP360, LP Viwer, or LP360 for ArcGIS are closed. Probable Resolution #2: If the process in use is the “LP360 License Server” – this is something that should only occur on the License Server machine: On…
When using imagery as a source of metric measurement, an up-front task that must be accomplished is determining the exact position (X, Y, Z) and orientation (Pitch, Yaw and Roll) of the camera at the precise time of each image exposure. This seven tuple of data is termed the dynamic exterior orientation (DEO or often…
When managing the installation of LP360 on a number of computers it may be useful to use a silent install. The standard MSI switches “/qn” and “/norestart” work, however, there are no command line parameters available at this time to configure the licensing. msiexec /i “LP360x64_v2019.1.30.3.msi” /qn /norestart Note: This must be run in an elevated…
Symptom: Trying to load LP360 on new computer and receive a message stating that, “The signature for LP360x64_v2015.1.76.7 is corrupt or invalid.”, or “The signature for LP360forArcGIS_v2015.1.76.7 is corrupt or invalid.” Probable Resolution: The installation package did not download properly. Try updating your browser to the latest version, or using a different bowser entirely, or…
Symptoms: After installing an update to LP360 you notice that the Start menu is missing the QCoherent menu items. Probable Resolution: Open “Programs and Features” from the Control Panel. Right-click on the installed LP360 64-bit program in the list and select “Repair”. Right-click on the installed LP360 32-bit program in the list and select “Repair”.…
There have been many complaints on the Internet about a software called Sonic Suite Software crashing games on the Internet. It can crash LP360 as well. It apparently launches the user interface for the Sonic Suite software to display the status of audio on the system. This is interfering with the proper operation of the laptop’s graphics.…