334 articles TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 12 / 34

GeoCue’s repository of TrueView tools, tips and workflows for the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

POSPac Report Review for TrueView 3DIS

Once the POSPac trajectory batch processing has completed, you will be prompted to view the POSPac report. Click Yes to view the POSPac Report, or No to move to the next step. You may reopen the POSPac report at any time by selecting View Post Process Trajectory Report on the TrueView Utilities toolbar. There are…


Retained Photo Station Layer in True View EVO

Retained Photo Station Layer Settings allows the user to specify the photos to be kept for geotagging and export to photogrammetic software packages using Export Photo Package. The notion of “Retained Photo Stations” creates a layer of photo stations (remember for a True View 3DIS there are two photos per photo station) on a new…


ASPSuite User Guide

GeoCue Group’s ASPSuite includes all the software needed to import support files, process the Loki observations in Post-Process Kinematic (PPK) mode, process Phantom 4 RTK in PPK and Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) modes, and update image headers with the refined position information. The ASPSuite User Guide will discuss the workflow starting with checking the data in…


Unable to download GPS Ephemeris and Navigation Files

Problem: Attempting to auto-download the ephemeris and navigation files in ASPSuite or True View EVO results in, “Unable to download GPS Ephemeris and Navigation Files. The remote server returned an error: 227 Entering Passive Mode.” Verify your internet connection and try the download again later when the files may be available as they may not be…


True View EVO: Error copying report file to

This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. True View Evo errs with “Error Copying Report to File to” while processing the Post Process Trajectory File in POSPac. The Trajectory files are created, but a POSPac report is not generated. This…


Ephemeris and Navigation Data Files

During processing in ASPSuite and True View EVO, two files are obtained as part of the “Auto-download” step on the ephemeris tab: an ephemeris (sp3) file and a broadcast (brdc*.YYn) navigation file. ASPSuite version 2017.2.77.0 and earlier only display (and allow browsing) to the ephemeris file. All versions of True View EVO, and ASPSuite Version…


POSPacCloud: Poll Execution Status Timedout

Executing POSPacCloud to process a 3DIS, 2DIS, or guest sensor trajectory the process may run for an unusually long time and eventually show an error, “Poll Execution Status Timedout”. True View EVO is then locked on this error message and needs to be closed out using Task Manager. The POSPac processing log will show: {…


Powerlines Extractor Point Cloud Task

Available at the LP360 Advanced or True View EVO license levels. The Powerlines Extractor PCT extracts power line catenaries from the point cloud, with options to classify points and vectorize the catenaries. This new PCT is in active development and may change before its final version. To execute, the Powerlines Extractor PCT requires a guide line.…
