Strip Align (SAfE) Invalid Directory


One advantage of running Strip Align in the Job Manager in LP360 Drone is the ability to quickly view processing logs for each job. This comes in handy when a job fails and troubleshooting is required. One error that may be displayed in the processing log looks similar to this and denotes an invalid Strip Align (SAfE) directory:

ERROR: option -T: invalid directory 'C:\Users\LOCAL_~1.WAD\Temp\10', keeping '' 
ERROR: stopping due to option argument errors: use -h for help
ERROR: option -T: invalid directory 'C:\Users\LOCAL_~1.WAD\Temp\10', keeping '' 
ERROR: stopping due to option argument errors: use -h for help

Probable Resolution #1

The probable cause for this message is an invalid directory for the SAfE temp file location. This can be because the drive is disconnected, not having admin privileges, etc. The simple fix for this is to change the temp file location to a drive and folder of your choosing. For example:

  1. Go to C drive and create folder named “StripAlignTempFiles”.
  2. Navigate to %LocalAppData%\stripalign.
    • 3a. If there is a file called stripalign.opt.txt, open and change the path in the file to “C:\StripAlignTempFiles”, then GoTo step 4.
    • 3b. If there is no file called stripalign.opt.txt, run “%CommonProgramFiles%\LP360\StripAlign\updateSaOpts.bat” as administrator to create the %LocalAppData%\stripalign\stripalign.opt.txt file. Change the path within the file to “C:\StripAlignTempFiles”.
  3. Rerun Strip Align and monitor the new temp folder for folders/files. If they start to appear once the Strip Align job is initiated, then the path has been successfully updated.

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