Updating TVGO Firmware

The following steps describe the process for updating the firmware of the TVGO116 and TVGO132. The TrueView Go can be updated automatically using the TVGO App or manually. 1. Update using the TVGO App 1- Make sure to have the TVGOApp version or newer.—-To know the version of the App –> Go to “Settings”…


TrueView Payload Profiles

TrueView firmware v2.2.0-21 (ffb8a694) added payload profiles, which can be saved and loaded onto a TrueView payload to quickly change parameters and settings. These settings include Proximity Mode, Proximity Mode Distance, Save directly to USB drive (TV535), enable camera, Web UI Wi-Fi, Lever Arm values, GNSS antenna type, etc. Profile settings can be accessed by…


Updating Loki Firmware

The following steps describe the process for updating your Loki firmware. Note: Updating the firmware is optional. If the Loki is functioning properly, there is no need to update.   Warning: Firmware updates are not supported on machines running Windows operating systems prior to Windows 10. Connect Loki to your computer using the supplied USB-C cable.…
