A Conversation with the City of Boulder, Colorado: Pre and Post Flood Event LIDAR Discussion

Mr. Chris Trice, Sr. GIS Specialist City of Boulder and Lewis Graham, CTO GeoCue Group, recently presented a webinar on the topological impact of the recent flooding in Boulder, Colorado. This extremely popular webinar (around 300 attended) included an informal discussion of the flood event as well as some insight into the acquisition of both…


Exploring the Geographic Extent of Flooding

GeoCue has had a long association with the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) where the John A. Dutton e-Education program in the department of Geography uses LP360 in their on-line LIDAR training program. Two of the instructors, Ms. Karen Schuckman and Mr. Mike Renslow, are very well known throughout the LIDAR and photogrammetry communities. Mike…
