Setting Carrier with TV540 Data Copy Tool

This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. The TV540 supports multi-platform integration through the TV540 Data Copy Tool, allowing the user to choose the correct carrier setting. Unlike traditional TV sensors, the physical offsets related to IMU/GPS do not need…


TrueView Lever Arm Offset Override

Some scenarios may require you to process your TrueView 3DIS data with different lever arm offsets, IMU mounting angles, or Vehicle to reference angles than the ones recorded in the APX at the time of acquisition. For instance, if you move the system to a new drone, but forget to update the lever arm values…


Loki M200 Offsets: Gen 1 vs Gen 2

The primary difference in the two mounts is the use of screws/washers to attach the mount to the M200, and the Loki to the mount. The nominal lever arms for the original mounts were: x: 4 cm, y: 0 cm, z: 35.5 cm (0.04m, 0.0m, 0.355m, as entered in the ASP dialog in meters).  However,…
