True View: Disable Camera File Transfer on Wind Down

Applies to firmware 2.0.4 & above Once a flight mission is complete and the aircraft returns to the home position the Wind Down process will initiate due to the proximity mode. Proximity mode allows the Wind Down process to take less time to write the image files to the external UMS stick once the aircraft…


Configuring Bentley Connection Client for Use with the GeoCue Command Dispatch System (CDS)

Around update 11, Bentley made it mandatory to login to the Bentley CONNECTION Client in order to obtain a valid license for the Bentley product. Doing so broke the ability for the dispatch service user to launch MicroStation. The fix is to login to the machine one time as the GeoCue Dispatch user, login to…


LP360 Short Tutorial – Feature Edit Part 3: Downstream Constrained

Learn about creating, validating and editing vertices of downstream constrained features in LP360 using the downstream constraint setting of the Conflation Point Cloud Task. This short tutorial is designed to introduce the user to creating hydrological breaklines with proper downstream flow using the Feature Edit toolbar.


Verifying Number of External Events Recorded by Loki

When using Loki with the Inspire 2 Personality cable, DSLR cable, or direct hardwire camera cable, the number of external events recorded can be confirmed by opening the sbf.blocks.txt file in the PPK folder in the ASPSuite project folder (root folder). There should be a block (highlighted in the image above) that begins with “#…
