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Prolog: I am writing a new whitepaper on model constraints in LP360 (any reference to LP360 where I do not add the term “for ArcGIS,” I am talking about the standalone version. This document is extracted and heavily revised from a series of articles that I wrote for the GeoCue Group Newsletter in 2013. The…
At times while working with GeoCue Group Support it may become necessary to exchange large files or large numbers of files. We suggest the use of an FTP Client to make this easier. If you don’t have your own, or are not familiar with using an FTP client we suggest using the FileZilla project. FileZilla…
Files with a zLAS extension are usually the ESRI proprietary LAS compression format. The ESRI LAS Optimizer improves archiving, sharing, and use of LAS format LIDAR. Optimization is accomplished in several ways: Lossless compression Spatial indexing Statistics generation The compression ratio the optimizer can achieve is typically much better than generic compressors. This is because…
GeoCue Group recently partnered with the National Park Service (NPS) in a pilot project to assess culturally significant areas within Gettysburg National Military Park using small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS). The area of interest (AOI) for this project was the western face of Little Round Top. Little Round Top was the location of a defensive…
Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. To download data from Reckon, first select the date from the drop down menu that corresponds to the data you wish to download. The layers associated with this date should be displayed in the Table of Contents on the…
An important evaluation to make when performing a QAQC analysis of a LIDAR data set is a control point comparison. Typically, this refers to checking the vertical accuracy of a LIDAR data set. In regards to vertical check/control point location: “Unlike horizontal checkpoints, vertical checkpoints are not necessarily required to be clearly defined or readily…
If you’re i/o bound, which is usually the case with LIDAR or photogrammetric point cloud processing, you need to figure out what kind of i/o you’re doing at the bottleneck. Case 1: If you’re just waiting for a single tile to load, your slowdown may be from low RPM HDD, but more likely you’re hitting…
NGS Releases New Educational Video! New Video on the Importance of Accurate Coastal Elevation and Shoreline Data This latest video explains the role of topo-bathy light detection and ranging (LIDAR) products in the National Geodetic Survey’s (NGS) mapping and charting program, and how these products provide a critical dataset for coastal resilience, coastal intelligence, and place-based conservation. Federal,…
FEMA’s elevation guidance document retires Appendix A of the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners (Guidelines) and Procedure Memorandum 61 – Standards for LiDAR and Other High Quality Digital Topography, while modernizing the guidance to align with the USGS LiDAR Base Specification v1.2, ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data (Edition 1, Version…
In this video from NOAA’s video library they explain the basic concepts behind geodetic datums, where they are used, and why it is important to know about and use the correct datums. For more information on geodetic datums, visit