335 articles TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 29 / 34

GeoCue’s repository of TrueView tools, tips and workflows for the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

Thinning Feature Vertices in LP360

We have lot of LP360 customers with a variety of disparate feature collection and editing needs.  To begin to address these needs, we introduced a completely new set of Feature Edit tools in the 2016/2017 releases of LP360 (standalone).  Last month I introduced the new Feature Analyst tool that will be available in LP360 2017.1…


Remove overviews from image

Problem: When loading an orthophoto image into LP360/Topolyst no image is displayed, yet when you zoom in it becomes visible. Modifying the LP360 image display properties shows the image extents properly and the header checks out. Probable resolution: We suspect that the overviews in the image file are corrupt/invalid. One can use the GDAL tool to…


LP360 and Topolyst Feature Analyst

Feature Analyst is an exciting new tool that will appear in LP360/Topolyst 2016.2.  To motivate this discussion, I will provide a synopsis of a few use cases for Feature Analyst here.  A detailed look at these cases is presented at the end of this article.  Examples of tests you will be able to perform with…


IMU and Compass Calibration for Pixhawk

Calibrate IMU and Compass after updating new firmware for AV900 If AV900’s firmware is updated, it’s recommended that the IMU and compass should be re-calibrated. Here are the step-by-step instructions to re-calibrate them: Prepare the Drone Insert and secure the battery into the AV900 Raise and secure the GPS/Compass (fig. 1) Figure 1. The GPS/Compass must be…


Create a Redline in Reckon

Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. This workflow explains how to create a redline in Reckon.  Redlining provides the ability to create, edit and publish geometries with attributes.  Redlines can be used to communicate work to be done with a service provider (i.e. defining stockpiles…


Reckon Tonnage Workflow

Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. Calculating tonnage is a two-step process using Topolyst and Reckon.  First, the density information must be formatted and entered correctly into the “Volume” file in Topolyst/LP360.  This file can be named anything but for our instructions it is the…


Automatic Stockpile Toe Extraction

LP360 includes a Point Cloud Task (PCT) that will automatically digitize the toe of a clean stockpile and can allow for the classification of overhead structures such as conveyors.  This tool saves considerable time when computing stockpile volumetrics. A “clean” stockpile is one with a clear demarcation of the boundary from a 3D perspective that…


Hardware recommendations for faster processing

If you’re i/o bound, which is usually the case with LIDAR or photogrammetric point cloud processing, you need to figure out what kind of i/o you’re doing at the bottleneck. Case 1: If you’re just waiting for a single tile to load, your slowdown may be from low RPM HDD, but more likely you’re hitting…


Determining the correct Ephemeris File to Download from IGS

How to determine the correct Ephemeris File to download from IGS: First look at the OPUS report from the GPS unit. Find the highlighted info in Figure 1: Figure 1 Go to the IGS website: ftp://ftp.igs.org/pub/. Click on the GPS or GLONASS link as shown in Figure 2: Figure 2 For this example, I chose…
