This is the third installment in our series on the new Point Cloud Task (PCT) mechanisms introduced in LP360 version 2013.2 released in December of 2013. We have previously discussed the new Input/Output Manager (IOM) and the Conflate tool. We now will cover the Volumetric Analysis tools. First of all, allow me to mention that…
Martin Flood (GeoCue Canada) and I visited the Oho/Indiana UAS Center and Test Complex in Springfield, Ohio this past week. We were invited by Mr. Fred Judson of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to give a presentation at a small technical exchange meeting devoted to the topics of the legal framework for sUAS, mission…
I recently moved up to a new engineering laptop computer (the new Dell M3800). This is a typical engineering grade laptop with high resolution display, NVidia graphics and GPU, 8 core processor and so forth. This system shipped from Dell with Windows 7 Professional Operating System (OS) rather than Windows 8.1. I found that rather…
In the January issue of GeoCue News, we discussed the new Point Cloud Task (PCT) overhaul that we released in LP360 2013.2. The focus of the last article was on the new Input/Output Manager (IOM) for setting the inputs and outputs of the various PCTs that LP360 provides. In this month’s article I will describe…
As you read this, we are releasing LP360 2013.2, our second major release of LP360 for calendar year 2013 (yes, yes- I know it is 2014 already!). One of the main developments for this release has been extensive improvements to the Point Cloud Task (PCT) subsystem of LP360. The PCT system is a framework for…
Did you know that Base Maps are available in ArcMap 10.1 and 10.2? You can use this feature to display a backdrop image or road map, providing context for LIDAR data processing (see Figure 1). This is a coal pile area at the Tennessee Valley Authorities’ (TVA) Widows Creek fossil fuel generation facility near Stevenson,…
We have just posted a new Experimental (EXP) release of LP360. These experimental releases give customers an opportunity to take advantage of (and yes, test!) new features of LP360 prior to the official block releases. We generally plan on two block releases per year (as in 2013.1 and 2013.2) and EXP releases when we have…
In the last edition of LP360 News, we discussed the creation of 3D breaklines for enforcing situations where the elevation must be a constant along the breakline. The most common example of this applications is “water body flattening” such as lakes and ponds. In this final installment of the breakline series, we will consider the…
In the last edition of LP360 News, we discussed the creation of 3D breaklines. Recall that, for our purposes, a 3D breakline is a vector that has an elevation value (Z) associated with each vertex. Generally, 3D breaklines can be divided into two categories – those with the same elevation for each vertex (used for…
As we have discussed in the last two issues of LP360 News, breaklines are two- or three-dimensional graphic data (points, lines, polygons) that we introduce into an elevation model to alter the topology. When working with Geographical Information System (GIS) models, we nearly always model complex, irregular elevation data as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN).…