GeoCue Support has written 726 articles

LP360 Short Tutorial – Feature Edit Part 3: Downstream Constrained

Learn about creating, validating and editing vertices of downstream constrained features in LP360 using the downstream constraint setting of the Conflation Point Cloud Task. This short tutorial is designed to introduce the user to creating hydrological breaklines with proper downstream flow using the Feature Edit toolbar.


LoadLibrary failed with error 87

Starting LP360 or True View EVO results in “LoadLibrary failed with error 87. The parameter is incorrect.” error. This indicates a graphics card driver issue. Several fixes include either renaming an ATI driver dll, rolling back the display driver to an older version, or replacing the video card with an NVIDIA one. This error may…


No more valid machines available for processing

The task or subtask messages column of the GeoCue Dispatch Manager states, “No more valid machines available for processing” or ” No other valid machines available for re-processing”. The task, such as Archiving, is configured, to dispatch to only the machine from which it was started. An error was encountered during archiving and no additional…


Error Message: System Clock has Been Set Back (-40)

While attempting to check out a license in LP360, True View EVO, or ASPSuite, the user receives an error message, “LP360 is unable to perform requested licensing task. Details: System clock has been set back (-40)” The system clock must be set to the proper date and time for licensing to work properly.


LP360 Failed to Start as it Could Not Obtain a Valid Product License (22641)

Receive an error message when starting LP360 or True View EVO stating, “LP360 Failed to Start as it Could Not Obtain a Valid Product License (22641)”. Version 2018.1 or newer The user has entered an invalid license string. This error message would have been preceded by one stating, “Invalid License String“. Verify the License String…


Datum Transform Warning

When attempting to convert point coordinates from one horizontal projection to another using LP360 or True View EVO, the user may see a warning message with the heading: “Datum Transform Warning!” if the datums of the projections differ or appear to differ based on their WKT. Before attempting to perform any coordinate system transformation/reprojection, it…


River Flattening in LP360

About River Flattening The River Flattening command opens the River Flattening dialog that captures input for flattening river polygons perpendicular to the flow. A river polygon layer, and centerline layer is required to execute the flattening process. Note: The River Flattening command is only available in LP360 for ArcMap. In LP360, as of v2018.2, it…


Adding additional Geoid definitions to LP360

LP360 has a wealth of supported vertical datums available to the user. However, there are some vertical datums, or specific geoids, not present in the current database (e.g. NAVD88 – Geoid 18). If the imported data is already in the desired coordinate reference system (CRS) using a Geiod not present in the LP360 database, the…


LASSymbols.DLL Failed to register

Symptom: While installing LP360 or True View EVO user encounters the error, “Module C:\Program Files\Common Files\LP360\LASSymbols.dll failed to register.” (v2018.1 and later) or “Module C:\Program Files\Common Files\QCoherent\LASSymbols.dll failed to register. HRESULT -1073740940” (version prior to v2018.1). Multiple errors of a similar nature for other DLLs also occur if one continues with the installation. Download and…
