The GNSS LED on the True View system isn’t turning green. on systems with the readout display the message gets stuck on, “Getting location”. A solid green GNSS LED on the True View indicates that it has good satellite reception. A blinking yellow GNSS LED can be caused by a number of things. The following…
LP360 and True View EVO use OpenGL v2.0 and/or v4.4 depending on the module. As outlined in the system requirements, the graphics card being used on your machine must support these in order for the products to function properly. To check what versions of OpenGL are supported by your graphics card: Download GLview from realtech…
While using LP360 the user receives the error message, “Out of Memory in CPointCacheManager”. The error message indicates that the system was unable to allocate the additional memory requested by LP360. If this occurs while drawing a long or wide profile, follow the instructions in the error message, “reduce the size of the Profile and…
GeoCue, Terrasolid and LP360 can all output Raster files with different Bit Depths. The bit depth (sometimes called pixel depth) of a cell determines the range of values that a particular raster file can store, which is based on the formula 2n (where n is the bit depth). For example, an 8-bit raster can have…
Many duplicate points are present in the final product, vastly increasing file size. “Enable fine-level task subdivision” needs to be unchecked. To turn this off, go to: Tool=>Preferences=>Advanced. Uncheck “Enable fine-level task subdivision” and press OK:
Learn how to compute volumes for borrow pit analysis between temporal sets of LAS data using a conflated toe and LP360’s “Volumetric Analysis” Point Cloud Task in this short tutorial.