GeoCue Support has written 727 articles

Error setting active layer

User encounters an error message when starting ArcMap with the LP360 for ArcGIS extension stating, “Error setting active layer”. If the user clicks through this error message, basic functionality and display issues will occur, often times leading to software crashes. The crash is happening because ArcMap and/or LP360 is not properly installed and/or registered. Re-installing…


Array dimensions exceeded supported range

Attempting to populate LAS Working Segments in GeoCue results in an exception message in the system message column of the checklist step details pane for the Populate step stating, “System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.    at NIIRS10.LASLib.LASStructArray6..ctor(Int32 size, Int32 numExtraBytes, Byte formatOnDisk) in N:\GeoCue 2017.1\iDEMS\iDEMSShared\LASLib\LASstructures.cs:line 2844    at NIIRS10.LASLib.LAS.AllocatePointDataRecordArray(LAS las, Int32 size) in N:\GeoCue…


Which OpenGL versions are supported by my graphics card?

LP360 and True View EVO use OpenGL v2.0 and/or v4.4 depending on the module. As outlined in the system requirements, the graphics card being used on your machine must support these in order for the products to function properly. To check what versions of OpenGL are supported by your graphics card: Download GLview from realtech…


LP360: Out of Memory in CPointCacheManager

While using LP360 the user receives the error message, “Out of Memory in CPointCacheManager”. The error message indicates that the system was unable to allocate the additional memory requested by LP360. If this occurs while drawing a long or wide profile, follow the instructions in the error message, “reduce the size of the Profile and…


Raster Bit Depth

GeoCue, Terrasolid and LP360 can all output Raster files with different Bit Depths. The bit depth (sometimes called pixel depth) of a cell determines the range of values that a particular raster file can store, which is based on the formula 2n (where n is the bit depth). For example, an 8-bit raster can have…
