GeoCue Support has written 725 articles

Creating a User-Defined Coordinate System from a Known Coordinate System

When your data needs to be in a coordinate system that is not specified in LP360, you may need to create a User-Defined Coordinate System. One of the easiest ways to do that is by modifying a Known Coordinate System. For ease of demonstration I have color coded a User-Defined Coordinate System with what has…


Does RLM use SSL or TLS?

Starting with 2018.1, LP360 relies on a hosted license manager (Reprise License Manager or RLM). It requires an active connection between the client and server machine for license management and software use. RLM does not rely on Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) nor Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols for Client-Server communications.


What is the LAS Format?

LASer (LAS) File Format Exchange Activities What is the LAS Format? The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users. Although developed primarily for exchange of LIDAR point cloud data, this format supports the exchange of any 3-dimensional x,y,z tuplet. This binary file format…


Using Feature Analyst to verify downstream constraint

If you have a river polygon that has been downstream constrained you may wish to QC your work to ensure the downstream constraint result is as desired. LP360 has a Downhill Vertical Test which does not work on polygons, but does work on polylines. This article covers how to test and correct downhill continuity on…


How to Enable/Disable Dispatch Logs

If asked by support, the following two code snippets when copied and pasted into a text document and saved as “EnableDispatchLogs.reg” and “DisableDispatchLogs.reg” respectively will enable/disable dispatch logs on the GeoCue Server machine when imported to the registry and the GeoCue Server service restarted. Import the EnableDispatchLogs.reg file using admin rights After importing, restart the…


Import and Export of Class names in 2019.1

In LP360 2019.1 a feature has been added to Live View to allow the Import and Export of Class Names to an XML file. When exporting, after confirming file location and name you’re also given the option to set the Custom Class Names as a default for all new projects. Any exported XML can be…


LP360 Surface Methods

The surface method defines how z or elevation values are determined when exporting a surface or comparing control points to a surface. Each surface method implements a different way of interpolating elevations from LIDAR points. The following describe the surface methods in more detail. Triangulation (TIN)TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) partitions a surface into a set…


Errors Adding Custom WMS Layers in LP360

The following are some common errors encountered while trying to add a custom WMS layer to LP360 and their probable resolutions. When adding the URL link to the WMS Server URL dialog the user encounters an error, “URL must end in a question mark, and be in the following form: http://<server>/<path>?” Probable Resolution #1: Be…


Intensity – Point Insertion vs Triangulation

When generating intensity rasters using the LP360 Export Wizard or LDExport one has the option of generating the raster using Point Insertion or Triangulation surface methods. Click here to see the raster bit depth available for these raster export formats. Surface Method Type: Triangulation Point Insertion Description Generates a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) and probes…
