161 articles GeoCue Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 6 / 17

GeoCue Group’s repository of articles for the GeoCue workflow management product, covering tools, tips, and workflows.

Using Neighbours when Running Macros

Only when running TerraScan macros on a project in TerraScan or through GeoCue’s LIDAR 1 CuePac can an overedge region be specified. The macro loads points from neighbor tiles to: support the algorithms maintain continuity between data files, such as providing for a continuous surface at the block edge Should be done when doing routines…


Terminating Task in Dispatch Manager

Problem: The following error may be encountered while attempting to terminate a task in the Dispatch Manager: “An error occurred terminating the selected tasks. Detailed Description: System.NullReferenceException: Object not set to an instance of an object. …”   Solution: Errant tasks such as this can be deleted from the system through the use of the…


Import Multiple Scanner Data

GeoCue has the ability to import source LIDAR strips with multiple scanners and assign the scanner number to the User Byte in the LAS format. The User Byte is what TerraScan uses for the scanner since no scanner attribute existed before LAS v1.4, and the field, even in LAS v1.4 is limited to a small…


CueTip – County Coordinate Systems

When working with data in county coordinate systems, the definitions of datum transformations are important. The steps in this CueTip provide recommendations and an example of such a project; beginning from project setup, to selecting appropriate Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs), to properly defining the coordinate transformations. Please consult with your surveyor to determine the appropriate…


Regedit for Population Error

Problem: While attempting to populate LAS Working Segments the process errors with an exception. In the system message column of the Checklist Step History you note the following exception: System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array’s lower bounds. at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32…


CDS Processing Priority

In the GeoCue Command Dispatch System (CDS) the Processing Priority (or simply priority) determines the processing order of subtasks that could otherwise process in any order. Priority in the CDS is a floating point number ranging from 0.0 to MAX_FLOAT. Higher values are considered higher priority. For example, assume that two LIDAR Orthos are in the…


RunMacro Exception: System.Exception: Unable to ReadFileNumber after 1000 attempts

Problem: Attempting to Run Macro in GeoCue results in a “RunMacro Exception: System.Exception: Unable to ReadFileNumber after 1000 attempts” error message in the System Messages of the Checklist Step history. Probable Resolution #1: Verify that the GeoCue temp folder has been set by opening Configure Client.  Also, verify that the path in “GeoCue Temp Folder”…


Using FileZilla to Exchange Files with GeoCue Group Support

At times while working with GeoCue Group Support it may become necessary to exchange large files or large numbers of files. We suggest the use of an FTP Client to make this easier. If you don’t have your own, or are not familiar with using an FTP client we suggest using the FileZilla project. FileZilla…
