148 articles TrueView Installation, Licensing and Updates Page 9 / 15

A repository of TrueView related articles covering installation, licensing, and updates to the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

ASPSuite: Application Install – Security Warning

Unable to install ASPSuite due to the error message stating, “Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer”. The security warning is caused by the “ClickOnce Trust Prompt Behavior”: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee308453.aspx To install the application you will need an administrator on the machine to change the values in…


ASPSuite Error: Failed to checkout roaming license – License has Expired

Attempting to “Check Out License” for ASPSuite results in an error message, “ASPSuite Error: Failed to checkout roaming license: Failed to checkout the license for ASP. Reason: License has Expired”. This error message usually shows when the number of available licenses shows as “0 of #”. Where, # is greater than 0. The error message…


Test ports using Microsoft Port Query

Microsoft has a PortQry utility to help users test ports for successful communication: Download the PortQry GUI from Microsoft Extract PortQry to a folder on your machine, such as “C:\PortQryUI”. In that folder, run portqueryui.exe by double-clicking on it. Enter the destination address as found in your License String, ls24.rlmcloud.com or ls41.rlmcloud.com or ls60.rlmcloud.com. Select…


LP360 Feature Matrix 2019.1

LP360 – This is the native 64 bit Windows version of LP360. It has no software prerequisites other than Windows.  It executes on Windows x64, Version 7 and later. LP360 for ArcGIS® – A fully qualified extension for ArcMap® desktop. LP360 for ArcGIS® requires the Basic level of ArcMap.  This remains a 32 bit product…


ASPSuite Installation Fails with “Value does not fall within the expected range.”

The ClickOnce installation of ASPSuite fails with “Value does not fall within the expected range.” in the error log. Uninstall the current version of ASPSuite. If no other Click Once applications are used by the user, clear the contents of the deployment cache, “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\”. Attempt to install ASPSuite again from http://airgon.com/airgon/airgonmmksuite/ASPSuite/publish.htm Open a Command Prompt window,…


Can’t open software with a shortcut

After updating/upgrading a program, double-clicking the shortcut fails to open and gives this dialog shown in figure 1, stating, Problem with Shortcut: The parameter is incorrect.”. What is the target (right click the shortcut > properties) for the shortcut? This can also be found going to “Open File Location” in the context menu. You can…


ASPSuite End User License Agreement

All our products require acceptance of an End User License Agreement (EULA) which can be found at the following location once the software is installed: Open ASPSuite Open Windows Task Manager Right-click on ASPSuite in the Processes tab and select “Open file location” This will typically open a location such as, “C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\AH9G1ZQJ.JGV\KLCMKRK1.V37\asps..tion_753cade1de3b952f_07e3.0001_2a83f2bc0b80d0c2”, where %user% is…


Windows Installer Error: The installation package could not be opened

Attempting to install LP360, the user encounters an error message, “Windows Installer – This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.” The error message usually indicates that the msi did not completely download. Usually verifiable by the size of the installer. Try…
