335 articles TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 23 / 34

GeoCue’s repository of TrueView tools, tips and workflows for the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

Downloading DJI Log files (DAT file) From Your Aircraft

To download the DJI log file (DAT file) from your aircraft, you will need to use the following steps: Connect your aircraft to your computer with USB cable that was provided with your aircraft.  For Inspire 2 and M200/210, be sure the switch near the USB port is set to “Computer”. Phantom 4 Pro –…


Agisoft Lens User Manual

The Agisoft Lens User Manual provides information and guidance on the use of Agisoft Lens. Agisoft Lens is an automatic lens calibration software, which uses an LCD screen as a calibration target. It supports estimation of the full camera calibration matrix, including non-linear distortion coefficients. Estimated calibration parameters can be saved in human readable file…


Reproject Raster in LP360

LP360 has a Point Cloud Task (PCT) that can reproject raster layers, create pyramids, and JPEG compress.  The PCT is named Reproject Raster.  When we reproject an existing orthophoto to a new coordinate system, or re-write to a different unit, the user can choose to output uncompressed, or JPEG compressed. If JPEG compression is selected, the user…


AirGon’s Reckon Makes Data Management Fast, Easy and Simple

Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. AirGon’s Reckon is a cloud-hosted data management system that brings ease to the complicated process of data delivery. From quoting a customer to the final data delivery, Reckon serves as the hub for interactive project management. One of the…


ASPSuite: Processing multiple flights in an SBF

If the drone pilot leaves the Loki unit on while swapping batteries on the drone when flying larger sites then there will only be a single SBF covering the multiple flights. Each take off and landing of the aircraft is considered a flight. This is not the recommended workflow and can create problems when post-processing. …


Converting Focal Length from Pixels to Millimeters to use in Bentley Context Capture

The focal length field in ContextCapture requires a focal length in mm instead of pixels. To convert a known focal length in pixels to mm: F(mm) = F(pixels) * SensorWidth(mm) / ImageWidth (pixel). For an X4S, the image width in pixels is 5472. Context Capture indicates the sensor width is 13.2 mm, so the equation…


ASPSuite: Processing With GLONASS

ASPSuite has the ability to include GLONASS satellites in the final solution (starting with v2018.1.23.0).  By default, ASPSuite will only use GPS satellites and will exclude GLONASS.  To incorporate GLONASS in your final solution: 1.  Open the Options dialog in ASPSuite and select the radio button next to RTKLib 2.4.3.     2.  On the Ephemeris tab,…


ASPSuite: Geoid Conversion Error

Problem: User receives a notification while processing data in ASPSuite stating, “ToGeoid.convert() exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object. at ASPSuite_MVVM.Models.ToGeoidModel.convert()”. Probable Resolution #1: If the data is outside of the selected geoid coverage area this error may occur. For example, selecting Geoid 12B in the process options when trying to…
