GeoCue Support has written 726 articles

An unexpected error occurred running POSPacBatch.exe

LP360 Drone errs with, “An unexpected error occurred running POSPacBatch.exe” while submitting Post Process Trajectory File to POSPac Local. This is a generic unexpected error message whenever your POSPac project did not process to a successful solution using the InFusion Single Base processing mode and may be caused by one or more of the reasons…


TrueView 535 Hardware Users Guide

The TrueView 535 Hardware Users Guide covers the ins and outs of installing and operating the GeoCue TrueView 535 3D Imaging System (3DIS) (LIDAR/Cameras). The TrueView 535 running the latest firmware enables the user to utilize the TrueView Web UI for better feedback and control during operations. Contents About GeoCue 4 About LP360 Drone 5 About TrueView…


How to Add Reckon User for LP360 Drone Processing

Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Portal User Management on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. In order for someone in your company to be able…


Agisoft Metashape v2.x Floating License Activation Procedure

Applies only to PhotoScan/Metashape v2.x. For Metashape v1.x please see this post. To activate a Metashape floating license you will need to have your Agisoft Metashape floating license activation key. To configure Metashape v2.x Floating Licenses on the Server: Configure the Client:  Additional Information: You can find installation instructions in the Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition…


“invalid value for an argument” error occurred creating the PostProcessTraj.txt file

User encounters “An error occurred creating the PostProcessTraj.txt file from the SBET. CRS Handler error: [Geown][CRS] LibProj: ‘Invalid value for an argument’” or “An error occurred creating the PostProcessTraj.txt file from the SBET. Error preparing transformer: [Geown][CRS] LibProj: ‘Invalid value for an argument’” when trying to Create TrueView Trajectories after successfully processing the sensor trajectory.…


Process Drone LiDAR Data Faster

Save time processing your LiDAR data with Multi-Cycle Import from LP360 When it comes to processing LiDAR and photogrammetric data, GIS professionals have been relying on the 3D High-Performance Point Cloud Processing capabilities of LP360. This advanced LIDAR software makes easy work of extracting information and generating deliverables in an intuitive GIS environment. One of…
