145 articles TrueView Installation, Licensing and Updates Page 4 / 15

A repository of TrueView related articles covering installation, licensing, and updates to the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

True View Camera Exposure Override

Some scenarios may require you to change the default camera exposure settings. For instance, if you are planning to fly with low light conditions. The steps below explain how to change the Camera Exposure settings for the following sensors: mdLiDAR1000UHR, mdLiDAR1000UHR Lite, and mdLiDAR1000LR. Step 1 – Create a file named md_camera.conf that defines the…


Dark photos with a TrueView sensors

My TrueView or microdrones payload collected dark photos on a day with low natural light (early morning, late afternoon or a cloudy day). What can I do to solve the issue? When reviewing the quality of the photos, it is a good practice to check the settings of the camera during the flight. If the…


TrueView 655/660 Hardware Users Guide

The TrueView 655/660 Hardware Users Guide covers the ins and outs of installing and operating the survey grade Riegl based True View 3DIS (3D Imaging Systems – LIDAR/Cameras). The TrueView® 655/660 is GeoCue’s fifth generation RIEGL integration built with the miniVUX-3UAV and triple mapping cameras (right, left, nadir) for high accuracy mapping with excellent vegetation…


TrueView 515vB Hardware Users Guide

The TrueView 515vB Hardware Users Guide covers the ins and outs of installing and operating the latest version of the GeoCue TrueView 515 3D Imaging System (3DIS) (LIDAR/Cameras). For the original version, please see the TrueView 515 Hardware Users Guide. Contents About GeoCue ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4About LP360 Drone…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5About TrueView Reckon ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6A TrueView Cycle…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7System Configuration File (SCF)……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7FCC and IC…


TrueViewEVO.exe – Entry Point Not Found

TrueView Evo has now become LP360 Drone. While the functionality of the software remains in place, updating from TrueView Evo 2022.1.39.0 to LP360 Drone 2022.1.60.0 requires the removal of Evo before installing LP360. If this is not done properly, it could lead to an error message stating “TrueViewEvo.exe – Entry Point Not Found“; “The Procedure…


LP360 Drone System Requirements

Recommended True View EVO/LP360 Drone system requirements for processing data from TrueView, microdrones, and guest sensors: Windows Version 10, Professional (64-bit) or Windows 11 Professional, or their server equivalents. i7 or equivalent CPU.  The more cores, the faster the processing 16 GB RAM (32 GB recommended) Nvidia Graphics recommended but not required Graphics must support…


Updating the TrueView vA Firmware

The following steps describe the process for updating your TrueView vA firmware for both TrueView 2DIS version A and TrueView 3DIS (imaging systems) version A. Version B and later systems have no control box and use a different firmware. The latest firmware update for all TrueView vA systems is available for download and installation from…


aws-cpp-sdk-core.dll was not found

When attempting to open LP360 or TrueView EVO after initial installation, the user receives the following error message and cannot successfully start the software: “The code execution cannot proceed because aws-cpp-sdk-core.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.” or “The code execution cannot proceed because aws-cpp-sdk-s3.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program…


LP360 End User License Agreement

All our products require acceptance of an End User License Agreement (EULA) which can be found at the following locations once the software is installed: Versions 2018.1 and later: “C:\Program Files\LP360\LP360 64-bit” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\LP360\LP360 for ArcGIS” Versions prior to 2018.1: “C:\Program Files\QCoherent\LP360 64-bit” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\QCoherent\LP360 for ArcGIS” Furthermore, the terms of…


LP360/True View EVO Feature Matrix 2021.1

Introduction: LP360 and True View EVO are a family of point cloud exploitation tools for both native Windows (“standalone”) and the ArcGIS® desktop platform.  LP360 for ArcGIS is the world’s most popular extension to ArcGIS for point cloud visualization, editing and information extraction tool set for ArcMap®.  Like ArcGIS itself, it is a 32-bit application.  LP360 for ArcGIS…
