335 articles TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 5 / 34

GeoCue’s repository of TrueView tools, tips and workflows for the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

Utilizing NOAA CORS as a base for your TrueView Project

When a base station file is corrupt or incorrectly recorded (for example: the observation rate is not set correctly or the battery fails), a user may elect to use the efficient SMARTBase or PP-RTX for post processing the sensor trajectory solution for your TrueView, microdrones, guest sensor Cycles, as applicable. Alternatively, with more effort and…


Strip Adjustment – Method and Context

Method Strip adjustment, also known as point cloud registration, is a topic that has been investigated in the areas of research where dynamic measurement systems are used. The goal is to remove inconsistencies in the point cloud. Most first studies of strip adjustment are concentrated on the estimation of the three boresight angles. Indeed, the…


Set Base Station Reference Mark for Multiple Cycles

In the TrueView workflow, it is possible to import multiple Cycles at the same time and assign a reference mark to all of them at the same time. This workflow is intended to speed up the reference mark selection process. Step 1 – Set the reference mark/survey nail for one Cycle Step 2 – Select…


An unexpected error occurred running POSPacBatch.exe

LP360 Drone errs with, “An unexpected error occurred running POSPacBatch.exe” while submitting Post Process Trajectory File to POSPac Local. This is a generic unexpected error message whenever your POSPac project did not process to a successful solution using the InFusion Single Base processing mode and may be caused by one or more of the reasons…


How to Add Reckon User for LP360 Drone Processing

Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Portal User Management on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. In order for someone in your company to be able…


True View Camera Exposure Override

Some scenarios may require you to change the default camera exposure settings. For instance, if you are planning to fly with low light conditions. The steps below explain how to change the Camera Exposure settings for the following sensors: mdLiDAR1000UHR, mdLiDAR1000UHR Lite, and mdLiDAR1000LR. Step 1 – Create a file named md_camera.conf that defines the…


Dark photos with a TrueView sensors

My TrueView or microdrones payload collected dark photos on a day with low natural light (early morning, late afternoon or a cloudy day). What can I do to solve the issue? When reviewing the quality of the photos, it is a good practice to check the settings of the camera during the flight. If the…


Easter Eggs in LP360

LP360 contains a number of “non-obvious” commands (usually keyboard activated shortcuts). This page has been updated for LP360 v2022.1. General: Live View – When opened in one view can be left open and by clicking the Live View button in a different view the settings will change to that view’s current stateChange Languages – See the separate…


Trimble R12i Base Station Error in POSPac

During sensor trajectory processing, POSPac fails with an unexpected error if a Trimble R12i base station T04 file is used, showing the error, “Error in 81196f9b39144c98ad71538c0c437545STDERR bpointID Parameter name Could not set the base station position because a station with ID DEFAULT was not found in the project. Batch error project … failed to process…


Ortho Mapping Error: “object has no attribute ‘items'”

One advantage of the Ortho Mapping tool and the Job Manager in LP360 Drone is the ability to view processing logs for each job. This comes in handy when a job fails and troubleshooting is required. One error that may be displayed in the processing log is “AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘items’“. The…
