Using the Classify by Statistics Point Cloud Task in LP360

Classify by Statistics is a Point Cloud Task in LP360 that can be created by selecting the “Add Task…” option in the Point Cloud Tasks Manager. It is primarily useful for general data thinning – especially useful for very dense data such as that derived from imagery (dense image matching, DIM, data).  For example, you…


Setting the Raster SRS Before Reprojecting

To reproject a raster in LP360/TrueView Evo you will need to establish the source SRS if one does not already exist. Do this by right-clicking on the raster layer, selecting Properties, SRS tab, and the ellipsis in the top right of the dialog. The Select Coordinate System dialog will pop up where you can setup…


Creating a 2D Feature with Elevation Attributes

With the release of LP360 v2017.1 we began recommending that users create their breaklines using LP360 instead of the previous recommendation of using the LP360 Sketch tool in LP360 for ArcGIS. One common question that has come up is how does one create a flat 2D feature and put the summarize Z results in the…


Using LP360 Feature Analyst to QA/QC Building Extraction Results

LP360 now has a full set of feature analysis and editing tools for working with the geometries of features – points, lines and polygons – in your project[1].  As often happens with LP360 features, the initial driver for adding this capability was a very specific problem; editing the toes of stockpiles being used in volume…


Reproject/Shift LAS PCT in LP360

This workflow is for reprojecting, shifting, or scaling in x, y, and/or z direction, for LAS data. This is useful for converting: Geographic Spatial Reference System (SRS) to Projected SRS and vice versa. Projected SRS to another Projected SRS Different measurement units: US survey feet, international feet and meters. Removing vertical bias from LAS data…


User Guide for the LPRunPCT.exe Command Line Tool

A new command line driven, Windows application has been written to execute LP360 point cloud tasks. The tool “LPRunPCT.exe”, available in the 2015.1 Service Pack A, allows you to run a point cloud task from the command line with a number of command line options and associated parameter files. This tool is very useful in certain…


Automatic Building Classification

So you have received LIDAR data and you really need to classify all those buildings in a timely fashion. The LP360 Planar Point Filter is an automatic process for classifying planar surfaces such as buildings. Located in the Point Cloud Task tab of the Table of Contents window of LP360, you can quickly set up…


LP360 Under the Hood: Cross-sections

As we outlined in a previous “LP360 – Under the Hood”, we have added volumetric analysis to LP360. This feature was first released with 2013.2 at the end of last year with an enhanced version in our recent Experimental (EXP) release. An important element of the analysis associated with volumes is the generation of cross-sections.…


LP360 Under the Hood: Volumetric Analysis

This is the third installment in our series on the new Point Cloud Task (PCT) mechanisms introduced in LP360 version 2013.2 released in December of 2013. We have previously discussed the new Input/Output Manager (IOM) and the Conflate tool. We now will cover the Volumetric Analysis tools. First of all, allow me to mention that…


LP360 Under the Hood – The Conflation Point Cloud Task

In the January issue of GeoCue News, we discussed the new Point Cloud Task (PCT) overhaul that we released in LP360 2013.2. The focus of the last article was on the new Input/Output Manager (IOM) for setting the inputs and outputs of the various PCTs that LP360 provides. In this month’s article I will describe…
