Using a Non-Corrected Base Position in ASPSuite

It is always best practice to submit your static base observation data to an online post-processing service to obtain the position of your base station.  However, it is possible to process your Loki data with a base coordinate that has not been processed.  If a base position is needed to check for a fixed solution…


How to install ASPSuite for all users?

Questions: How do I install ASPSuite for all users? Or, can I install ASPSuite under “c:\Program Files”? Answer: The answer to both is ASPSuite is a ClickOnce application, hence the installer is not like the Windows Installer (MSI) or the old Setup.exe installers. The ClickOnce deployment is designed to facilitate easier updates where only the…


Is Loki compatible with other Structure from Motion software aside from PhotoScan and Pix4D?

The answer to this question will depend on the Structure from Motion software being used.  The two primary components are:   The ability to use high-accuracy geotags.  Loki provides highly accurate geotagged images with accuracy values written to the XMP metadata.  We also produce a simple .csv text file for applications unable to read that…


LP360 installer gets deleted when running the msi

Problem: The LP360 installer (msi) gets deleted when running the msi to install the software. Probable Resolution: There is some software, such as an anti-virus or Symantec End Point Protection, or that is configured to not allow the msi to run and quarantines or deletes the installer. Turn off the protection while running the installation or…


Breaklines in LP360 – Part I

Prolog: I am writing a new whitepaper on model constraints in LP360 (any reference to LP360 where I do not add the term “for ArcGIS,” I am talking about the standalone version. This document is extracted and heavily revised from a series of articles that I wrote for the GeoCue Group Newsletter in 2013. The…


Local Coordinate Systems in AirGon’s ASP Suite

Using Loki, AirGon’s precision positioning system, very accurate georeferenced imagery can be collected using DJI drones over an area of interest. The positions from which those photos are captured are output from the ASP Suite workflow as geographic locations, described by latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates. Image-to-point cloud software applications such as Agisoft PhotoScan and…


PhotoScan: we are: invalid License Server Error

Problem: The PhotoScan license server has stopped issuing licenses and the debug log states something akin to “we are: invalid”: Date Time (agisoft) Wrong Hostid – licenses may not be available Date Time (agisoft) (expected: license=#####, we are: invalid) Probable Resolution: If on a Linux machine, please check if the following directory exists and is…


How to set the Metashape/PhotoScan port so it doesn’t change with a reboot?

How to set the Metashape/PhotoScan license server port so it doesn’t change with a reboot? There are two ports used by the license server. One for the host and one for the ISV. Both are set in the license file and the ports are used upon restart of the license server service. Note: The ports…
