GeoCue Support has written 725 articles

TrueView Lever Arm Offset Override

Some scenarios may require you to process your TrueView 3DIS data with different lever arm offsets, IMU mounting angles, or Vehicle to reference angles than the ones recorded in the APX at the time of acquisition. For instance, if you move the system to a new drone, but forget to update the lever arm values…


LP360 Workflow videos in Portuguese

1. Importando Voos do Sensor Lidar GeoCue para dentro do LP360 DronePortuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Import Flights from the Lidar Sensor into LP360 Drone 2. Pos-Processando os voos usando o PosPacPortuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Post Process flights using PosPac 3.  Criando Linhas de Voo, Trajetórias e Geocode(Nuvem…


LPLAS File Format

An LPLAS file is a new file type for point cloud data that is compatible with any software able to read LAS. This new file format also follows the ASPRS standards for the most up to date specifications for LAS. Any existing LAS file can be converted to the new LPLAS format by running the…


LAS File Layer does not contain any LAS files

This generic error message is typically caused geocoding failing to produce LAS files or generated erroneous LAS files. Below are know causes and resolutions. Relevant error messages can be found in the project geocoding.log file. If you intend to send a ticket to support please include the geocoding.log and the POSPac report associated with that…



In LP360 Drone, while attempting to process the sensor trajectory solution for a TrueView 3DIS or microdrones payload in the Cloud run location, the user encounters an error message stating, “Project Status: EXECUTION_FAILED” or “Sensor Trajectory Processing Failed”, where the Project upload was successful, but the project status is “Execution_Failed” and the status type is…


Default Tasks and Filters within LP360

When LP360 is initially installed, there are several default files that also get installed. These default files include Point Cloud Tasks, Conflation Tasks and Display Filters. The files can be found in your “%AppData%\LP360” folder. The tasks and filters are stored in XML files and each time a new task or filter is created the information is appended…


Flight Planning – LiDAR

Flight Planning for LiDAR provides instructions for planning a flight to be used for LIDAR collection with a TrueView 3DIS. This section will provide guidelines for flight planning, followed by specific instructions for flight planning applications. The second section contains the TrueView Mission Planning Spreadsheet which can be utilized for calculating the line spacing, point…
